Setup Paths
Setup Paths
SetupPaths serves to simplify navigation between routes, by putting path creation, path transformation and useParams all in one place.
// Build Routes
// It's Optional
// It's basically a helper to setup paths, returns {
// path // actual built path. ex: '/product', '/product/:productId/
// get // method that returns the path. In case the path contains
// params, the method will require an object containing the keys
// and values. ex:
// RoutePaths.PRODUCT.FORM.get({
// productId: '....'
// })
// useParams // react hook that returns the params of the route.
// Depending on the 'options' ("param('productId', <<options>>)")
// it will automatically transform the params into there respective value, ex:
// param('productId', {
// // Makes productId optional
// optional: true,
// // Transforms productId from string to number
// transform: (productId) => Number(productId)
// })
// In this example 'const { productId } = RoutePaths.PRODUCT.FORM.useParams()', productId will be number because of transform
// }
import { SetupPaths, path } from '@resourge/react-router/setupPaths';
const RoutePaths = SetupPaths({
HOME: path(),
PRODUCT: path('product')
FORM: path().param('productId'),
FORMV2: path('v2')
.param('productId', {
transform: (productId) => Number(productId)
.param('productName', {
optional: true
DELIVERY: path('delivery').param('id').addPath('details')
RoutePaths.HOME.path // '/home'
RoutePaths.HOME.get() // '/home'
RoutePaths.PRODUCT.path // '/product'
RoutePaths.PRODUCT.get() // '/product'
RoutePaths.PRODUCT.FORM.path // '/product/:productId'
RoutePaths.PRODUCT.FORM.get({ product: '1' }) // '/product/1'
RoutePaths.PRODUCT.FORM.useParams() // '{ productId: '1' }'
RoutePaths.PRODUCT.FORMV2.path // '/product/v2/:productId/{:productName?}'
RoutePaths.PRODUCT.FORMV2.get({ product: 1 }) // '/product/v2/1/'
RoutePaths.PRODUCT.FORMV2.useParams() // '{ productId: 1, productName: undefined }'
RoutePaths.DELIVERY.path // '/delivery/:id/details'
RoutePaths.DELIVERY.get({ id: 1 }) // '/delivery/1/details'
RoutePaths.DELIVERY.useParams() // '{ id: 1 }'